Algonac MI across Lake St. Clair

The morning we left Bayview Yacht Club was extremely buggy. It had been buggy at Put-In-Bay with mayflies covering everything. They didn't bother us but landed all over the boat so where every you stepped you killed mayflies, making a mess of the deck. Coming out of Ford Yacht Club and again out of Bayview, these tiny flies were constantly buzzing around and landed everywhere. They were annoying. Any time you wanted to sit down you had to wipe the seat before sitting or you'd squish a bunch of them making a mess of your clothes and seat. Like mayflies, they didn't fly away once they settled on something. If you tried to swipe them away with your hand, you'd just smear them on the seat. There were also a lot of dead mayflies floating in Lake St. Clair. Fortunately, when  we got to the middle of the lake, the flies were gone.

You have to zoom in to see all the bugs on the screen.

These was an article in the local news about all the mayflies covering a freighter. I guess it's mayfly season. Hopefully we can escape them further north.

The sail across Lake St. Clair was uneventful. The day started with no wind which gradually built to the point that we had to reef the sail. We made good time up the lake. Negotiating the St. Clair River delta at the top of the lake was a bit tricky. We had to stay in the channels for fear of hitting bottom. It goes from deep to shallow quite quickly. Finding the right channel was a little difficult as there are several. The river fans out into several fingers going from the St. Clair River into Lake St. Clair.

We are spending two nights in Algonac. A storm with lightning was predicted and we didn't want to sail in that. As it turns out, the prediction was wrong but we had already committed to staying to get groceries, do laundry and do an oil change and make some minor repairs to the boat. This is facilitated by my cousin that lives in the area to provide ground transportation and accommodations for the night on land.

After our day off, it will be time to fight the St. Clair River. The current is supposed to be a little stronger than the Detroit River. Hopefully the boat can push through it.

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