Port Austin
We made it to the tip of the Michigan thumb but not without a casualty. The day started out typical, light winds and smooth lake, waiting for the winds to pick up. It was warmer than we had been experiencing so far. There was also a fair amount of smoke from the Canadian fires. It had been predicted to be a nice day. The winds gradually picked up and we transitioned from motor to sail and motor eventually to just sail, all maintaining the same speed. Winds were coming from behind us as we travelled pretty much due north. Then at 10:00 AM all hell broke loose. In a matter of minutes it got very cold for Summer and the winds and waves picked up. We ended up in 4+ foot waves and 25 knot winds. Since conditions had been so light, we were totally caught off guard and had full sails up. The boat healed so far over the water almost came over the side. The waves crashed over the bow. We tried to reef the main and furl the foresail, but we were too late. The wind reeked havoc on our contro...