It is with mixed emotions that we have completed the journey. In some respects, I didn't want it to end since there is so much to see. The winds would have to turn in our favor too, so that we could do more pure sailing. But it was also time to be done and get home. Even when I'm in Florida in Winter or visiting Europe with my wife, I get tired of living out of a suitcase and eventually want to get home. This was the longest trip I've taken and that feeling certainly set in. Also, in this case, I was away from family, making it worse. Add to that, living in the tight quarters or a 28 foot boat. I've been asked several times whether I enjoyed this adventure. It is a resounding yes. Not only was the sailing enjoyable, but we saw many new places, had new experiences and met many new people. During the first half of the trip we stayed mostly at yacht clubs. On Lake Ontario, this was often cheaper since the yacht clubs have an association and since Greg was a member of an as...